To mark the 75th anniversary on NATO, the foreign ministers of France, Germany, and Poland co-authored an op-ed, celebrating NATO as “the most successful defense alliance in history” and playing up the stakes of the war in Ukraine. „European allies should shoulder their fair share of NATO’s collective burden and demonstrate readiness to take more responsibility for Europe’s defense,” the foreign ministers wrote in Politico.

The European Union is reportedly formulating a contingency strategy to extend financial support to Ukraine, currently facing Russian military aggression.

Speaking at the University of Heidelberg, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki continued the traditions of the European duumvirate: France and Germany. Emmanuel Macron gave an important speech in 2017 at the Sorbonne in Paris, and Olaf Scholz last year in Prague at the Charles University. "They both talked mainly about the future of Europe, which, in their opinion, means more EU above all," notes ONDŘEJ ŠMIGOL on the website. "Morawiecki also spoke mainly about the future…

Ukraine will have only one attempt at a major counter-offensive. If it fails, it will be extremely difficult to get funding for the next one, Czech President Petr Pavel said in an interview for Rzeczpospolita Daily. Petr Pavel in Poland. Photo by Roman Vondrous/PAP/CTK (JAP)

“We do not believe in a superstate of 27 EU member states. We want a return of a union of homelands" - Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said in an interview for the Italian newspaper "La Stampa". Polish PM Mateusz Morawiecki. Photo by Andrzej Lange / PAP (JAP)

The war in Ukraine has "exposed the truth about Russia", but it "has also exposed the truth about Europe", Mateusz Morawiecki said in an op-ed piece published today by the and on The Spectator website.

– Russia is pursuing an imperialist expansionist policy, with Vladimir Putin aiming to regain the glory of the old Russian Empire – Marek Kuchciński told in the interview for Mandiner. According to a politician from the ruling party Justice and Justice (PiS) the European Court of Justice has ruled unfairly on the rule of law mechanism.