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Polish and Irish Struggles for Self-Determination: Living near Dragons
Ed. Galia Chimiak – Bożena Cierlik

Polish and Irish Struggles for Self-Determination: Living near Dragons, Ed. Galia Chimiak – Bożena Cierlik, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2020.

 This book discusses little-known linkages between two seemingly distant peoples, the Polish and the Irish, whose historical experiences share important similarities. Both Ireland and Poland have been subject to foreign rule, which they overturned in 1916 and 1918 respectively. Their predominantly Catholic societies were among the first to grant voting rights to women a century ago. This volume uses the centenary of both Ireland and Poland (re)gaining national independence and the political empowerment of women in these countries as a point of departure to analyse selected aspects of Polish and Irish people’s struggle for autonomy. Cases of mutual assistance, including the awareness-raising campaigns organized by Western women in support of the independence and suffragist movements in Poland, are presented along with examples of grassroots self-organization, foreign press coverage, and military and diplomatic efforts to empower the Poles and the Irish.

Thanks to dr hab. Galia Chimiak, Associate Professor of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences.